The below plan will be reviewed and amalgamated into a larger plan for the parish of East Caithness Church of Scotland.


In the Spring of 2021, our Kirk Session approved a 5 year plan which runs from 2021-2026. This was the result of a long process during which we sought God’s leading in prayer, consulted with the congregation and discerned together God’s leading for the next few years. We believe that this is how God is leading us over the next few years to fulfil the Mission he has given us to “Help people of all ages become disciples of Jesus and part of a loving Christian community". 

Please click on the links to read the documents. 

The 5 year plan – These are the “action points” of what we hope to achieve in the next 5 years. They are split into 3 areas: Ministry, Mission and Administration.

A Vision Document – This is the thinking behind the action points in the plan.

A Mission Principles Document  – These are the 5 pictures which were first agreed in 2018 and can help us all easily think about what our mission is as a church.

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